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@MillenniRambles Healing Inspiration Poems

The Transfer of Essence.

Google Dictionary Oxford Languages: Essence (noun),
the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.
Wiki Essence

I wish more people used the word, 


Imagine if children held a piece of paper and pencil, noticing that they were holding the essence of a once magnificent and grand tree. A tree that has lived through multiple lifetimes. A tree that has been transformed, destroyed, misused, abused, and finally recreated in a multitude of visually and useful expressions. All while, continuing to share it’s essence time and time again. No longer presenting as a grand tree providing shade, shelter, food and so much more to the ecosystem it resides. Instead, now being experienced and perceived as a simple piece of paper and pencil waiting to be transformed, once again, into a work of art. This tree’s essence still has purpose. A purpose that serves those whom wield it.

The tree’s essence held within the palm of a child’s tiny hands, as they create. They create art and stories. They express their imagination and feelings. Creating their dreams into reality with a simple piece of paper and pencil. The child does this with the understanding and respect to not let the tree’s death be in vain. They choose to integrate their own essence with the essence of the tree and with the purpose to create. Create a magnificently grand collaboration of art and self expression.

This is what I come to understand about life, purpose, transformation, creation, and essence.

I thank thee for allowing me to create. I thank thee for being apart of my journey up until the last moments of use of your existence. I will integrate your purpose with mine until the collaboration of our essence gets passed so far along, it is eventually forgotten.
– Gratitude, from me to you –

Is Creation the essence of Art?

AmorZen Email Experience

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