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Mental Health, Quantum Physics, and Ancient Wisdom: Could Science be Catching Up to Ancient Wisdom?

Recently, I came across this article that spoke about my three favorite topics:
Mental Health, Quantum Physics, and Ancient Wisdom. Which begs the question, could science be catching up to ancient wisdom?

After reviewing this article a few times, I had a lot of questions. In my best effort I attempt to simplify the article, Redefining Psychology in the Light of Quantum Physics. A Personal Perspective: Revolutionizing our understanding of consciousness.” written by Alan J. Steinberg, M.D.

Imagine you're having a dream where you're eating something delicious. In the dream, you are the main character, and everything around you is created by your mind. But when you wake up, the dream and what you’re eating disappear because you're no longer thinking about them.

– This is not “new” information to those who may have studied Hinduism, Yoga, or other ancient spiritual paths, but for science, it is very exciting. I feel like these two schools of thought are flirting with each other. 😉 Imagine a world where science can back up ancient wisdom, or even perfect it. (talk about “New Earth” being born!)

Scientists have found something similar in the tiny world of atoms and particles, called quantum physics. It says that when we observe or pay attention to something, it affects how it behaves. Just like in the dream, when we stop paying attention to it, it changes or disappears.
Some ancient texts called the Upanishads talk about a similar idea. They say that the entire universe is like a dream, and the creator of the dream is the one who observes it. They believe that the observer's attention makes the universe exist.

– Could this be why active imagination is important in developing skill-sets, such as athletic abilities or even psychic abilities? What is the fine line between observing reality and observing imagination?
Or is there even a fine line to question?

Scientists also discovered that everything in the universe is connected in a special way called quantum entanglement. It means that all things are linked together instantly, no matter how far apart they are. This connection suggests that the universe is made up of one big conscious entity, almost like a single mind with multiple thoughts being played out at the same time.
This idea can have a huge impact on the way psychologists think about and study the human mind. It means that what we learn about individual minds could apply to the whole universe's consciousness. The Upanishads say that the universe works in a similar way to our own bodies and minds. So, the field of psychology might need to expand its focus to understand the unified consciousness that exists in the universe. 
If the universe is one big connected consciousness, it means that the line between therapist and patient, or observer and observed, becomes less clear. This could lead to new and innovative ways of helping people with their mental health. 

– Does this mean we should be aware/conscious of the perspective, or lens, in which we are being observed or evaluated? Does this explain why meditation is helpful for our mental health, since we (the observer) can pay attention to (or observe) our thoughts and feelings?

It also suggests that our individual thoughts, actions, and feelings can have a bigger impact on the world around us than we think. This shows how important our own mental health is for the well-being or destruction of society as a whole. 
In conclusion, by combining ideas from quantum physics and psychology, [and ancient wisdom], we can gain a new perspective that could change the way we understand consciousness. This could lead to better mental health practices and help us uncover profound truths about our existence. So, it's important for science to explore these ideas and think differently about the mind and the universe.

In light of all this information, I believe this can also have a huge impact on the healing for those who suffer from generational trauma. Unfortunately, many cultures and societies that should have passed down their generational knowledge, have either been forgotten, oppressed, or destroyed. The hope is to bring this wisdom back to life with some reinforcement and validity. Remember that science is only catching up to what we already know, but have forgotten. Similarly, a person’s body is created before we become aware of it’s existence, and the body will take care of itself long after we leave it behind. Our body is much wiser than what we give it credit.

If you made it this far, thank you for getting a little nerdy with me. Let me know your thoughts, questions, or even answers to some of my questions. I am genuinely curious.

~Live A More Zen Life~

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